Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Hypocrisy: Are We All Guilty?

I will be the first to admit it, I am a hypocrite. Honestly, I think most people are. It is hard to not to be one. The truth is, hypocrisy is hard to escape because of one thing: viewpoint. Let me explain that quickly.

Your viewpoint is much different than your peers. The way you perceive your actions is very, very biased. I think it is hard for humans to find fault in themselves, which is exactly what creates hypocrisy. Humans refuse to acknowledge that they may have a fault they find in others, specifically one they do not like.

Which brings me to my second point about hypocrisy. You ever notice that things that you are hypocritcal about are traits or actions that you do not like. For example, someone who hates lying, yet lie themselves. Yet hypocrites do not acknowledge that, they only find fault in others. Is this a problem? In my opinion, yes. Finding faults in others is exactly what creates hostility. And from hostility, so many things are born.

The solution: realize that you have flaws. That way at least when you are accused of being hypocritcal, you can realize that they are probably right. Then you can strive to become less hypocritcal, by at least not expressing beliefs that you do not follow.

And for those of you who say you are not hypocrites, I urge you, look a little closer. It is quite possible that you are just refusing to see your own faults and only those in others.



  1. I've noticed that sometimes, too. When someone has a "pet peeve" type thing and get angry at people who do it, many times, they do it themselves.

    By the way, nice job with the blog! :)

  2. yeah, it seems that's always how it goes, heather. I know i'm definitely guilty of hypocrisy...although i try not to be!!
