Friday, November 5, 2010

The Sweatshirt Fascination

I need a hoodie. Why? Well, with all my enlightened knowledge, I still failed to actually bring one with me when I went to university. And hoodies are nice. They cover your head when it rains, make a great tool to block throwing stars with, and can be used as a bartering tool in a cinch. Needless to say, I absolutely have to have one.

While I discussed this forlorn fact with a friend, a thought popped into my mind. Why do girls feel the need to request their boyfriend to hand over their sweatshirt for the women's use. What is this fascination with all things hooded and warm? Is it because they are cold? I do not think so. I think it is a conspiracy. Let me tell you why.

There is an aphid species that can essentially poop out clones of itself. Why? To breed quickly and efficiently to fill the world with a high number of females. Are women trying to do this to? Is their motive to weaken males to allow females to slowly take over the world? It is possible, and actually highly probable. By weakening the males, their mind control devices will have an easier access to the male brain, thus enabling them to take over the male population and make it easier to eliminate any unnecessary males. Well I have news for you girls. It will not work. You would reduce your genetic variation within the species until it would become nearly nonexistent and all humans would be incredibly similar.

And I think the narrator sums that fact up quite well: "Having sex with your own clone is the most useless sex imaginable."

And if you understood my logic for this, you are either a superhuman, or just as crazy as I am.


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