Friday, August 6, 2010

Coming Out of the Basement

Game On!

I have something to say: I am a gamer. Not a really hardcore gamer, just a casual gamer, but as the video says I think many people get some derogatory remarks thrown at them because they game. I know I have (mainly from the parental units).

I think many people do not understand the implication of gaming. It is an activity, like any sport or hobby that many people enjoy. People seem to think that many gamers do not game for that reason. Really gaming is not that different from checking Facebook constantly, which is becoming more and more accepted as normal. Many people generally view gaming as a waste of time, but it really is nothing more than an enjoyable activity. Gaming is becoming a much more social activity, regardless of the fact that you do not know many of your fellow gamers.

I know gaming does not actively contributing to helping out the world, but at least it is not harming it. In most cases, many of the gamers I have met actually care very deeply about the world and take some steps to counteract their minimal influence. And most of us do not live in our parent's basements, actually the general population of gamers are probably quite active members of the community.

Finally, I am going to try to prove that gaming can be similar to reading a book. I have been told many times to read a book instead of gaming, but I view gaming as something akin to reading one (not that I do not read books). To prove this I am starting a new blog: Memoirs of a Witch Hunter. This blog will illustrate the similarities of gaming and reading, by creating a book out of a gaming character's experiences.

And for those who have not tried gaming and snub gamers: try it yourself, you may like it!


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