Friday, August 20, 2010

Seagull Racing and the Ensuing Hilarity

I love seagulls. They are possibly one of the coolest, funniest birds in the universe and they truly add something great to this Earth. So I have a little experience to share with the community at large, but first, a small information session on seagulls and their relationship with me.

To begin with, seagulls are a white bird that is found basically everywhere and originated from outer space, invading the Earth in a vast and overtaking colonization process that the humans could do nothing to stop. Seagull growth rates are different, with the seagulls in Vancouver greatly outstripping the size of the seagulls in most of Ontario. Seagulls and I go way back, probably all the way to the day I was born. I learnt their language and immediately used in to great effect, by getting one of my feathered friends to fetch me a sammich. (My friends just thought it was flying away. Little did they know, a sandwich was waiting in my room when I returned.) So all my time spent with the beautiful seagull has resulted in an amicable friendship we share, each being able to laugh at the other for their mistakes and comedic moments.

So I saw my friend, Alistar the seagull, by the bunkers the other day, ambling around the edge. I watched him for a while, his little legs swishing back and forth frantically, while he zapped up grubs with his beak. I always make fun of my seagull friends because of how they run, it is just too hilarious to stifle my laughter. Anyways, as Alistar wandered around the edge of the bunker, I noticed Sally, a bitter enemy of Alistar's, rounding the other side of the bunker. Their eyes locked and suddenly the ambling became a race for the best time and the most food. (Much like the Delibird game in Pokemon Stadium 2. Yeah, I am a nerd.) Sally immediately pulled ahead, but Alistar was having none of it. Nabbing a grub, he raced ahead to top Sally in the race.

Watching them, I was in stitches. A pair of seagulls running through the grass in a race, pumping their spindly, skinny, stumpy legs is just too hilarious of a sight. I think Alistar did eventually win the race though, and was quite unhappy with the lack of support I gave. I will have to go apologize next time I see him.


1 comment:

  1. omg. you are ridiculous.

    this explains the seagull flying away when you were sqwaking at him!! you should have told him to get me a sandwich, too!!
