Wednesday, November 3, 2010


It seems that in North America, there is one unspoken rule: everyone uses microwaves. Well except for my family. We are firm believers in home-cooked meals and we use the oven for everything. I am not here to hate on you microwave users, but merely explain my view on the matter.

My experiences with microwaves have been less than cordial. One of them involved me trying to successfully heat a wrap to a proper temperature. It ended with me eating a boiling hot outside and a still-frozen inside. Not too pleasant. Despite swearing off microwaves, I still ended up using one quite recently. The situation pretty much called for it. Darn my human emotions forcing me to be polite. Well, once I pulled my defrosted bread out of the microwave, I proceeded to make a sandwich and hope for the best. Alas, it would not be. The crust of the bread was unusually tough, and the sandwich just did not taste right. So again I am trying to swear off microwaves. Again.

And why do I not like microwaves? Well really it boils down to about two reasons.

1. The microwaves that bombard the food when placed into the microwave disrupt chemical bonds and change the function and viability of the nutrients in the food. Such a sudden increase in temperature cannot be good for the food or the health benefits they would offer.

2. No one truly knows exactly how much microwaves due due to our lack of knowledge of them. Their impact could be a lot worse than possibly thought. And that is scary. Just like cellphones may prove to cause an increase in susceptibility to cancer, microwaves could do something similar.

Not that I expect to convert any of you to my ways, just a little of a spiel on the implications of microwaves. And because today I hatd to use the danged contraption.



1 comment:

  1. you KNOW my opinion on i won't bother.
