Saturday, July 10, 2010

A Little Shoutout!

Okay, so instead of ranting or opining, I thought I would just give a little shoutout and thank you to all my readers.

First of all, a special thank you to everyone from California. I really have no idea how you found my blog, but thanks for taking the time to read it. For some reason, despite the fact I live in Canada, you guys are the most numerous in terms of readers. I have two theories on that: one, my one or two of my friends that live in California told all of you and you decided to come visit the site, or two, that in an attempt to study Canadian behaviour more thoroughly, you have been required to read many Canadian blogs. The latter is probably more probable, as the first delves into science fiction. So Californians, I am on to you!

Second, a equally special thank you to the rest of my American readers. Suprisingly, there have been more unique Californian viewers than all of you combined, but I expect that is because the American government believes that the Californians are more suited to the task of reconnaissance, whatever the reason for that being. Thanks for tuning in for a Canadian blog, despite the fact that Canada has been standing on top of you for a long time.

Thirdly, a slightly less special thank you to my Canadian readers. It is great that you guys are reading my thoughts, but the Americans are beating you. This is a 100% Canadian blog, yet you guys are losing in number of readers. Step it up a little guys!

Lastly, a slightly more special thank you to my readers from Hong Kong and the Bahamas. I know that I do not know that many people out there, so thanks for paying attention!

But jests aside, I really thank everyone that has spent some time out of their busy schedules to read my opinions. I do enjoy blogging, but it is nice to know that other people are getting something out of it too.


1 comment:

  1. The Governator is going to get you!! California loves you!!! We have no concept of this cold weather thing you guys go through during the winter. ;)
